Previously we have discussed the use of propofol for migraine headache (part 1, part 2). In this post, we’ll look at another headache treatment that can be added to your armamentarium, the paraspinous cervical block. There are many standard cocktails for headache management in the ED, but unfortunately, many of these require an IV, fluids, […]
SOCMOB How To: Using the Ventilator for DSI with Dave Lendrum
Hi all, Today we have a guest post from Dr. David Lendrum, an ER physician at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. Dave is a super brilliant doc, and this post will outline how to perform BIPAP using a ventilator, as opposed to bringing an extra BIPAP machine into an already crowded resus area. This is […]
Evidence Based Management of Acute Heart Failure: Forget LMNOP, think POND!
Case: Imagine you are an attending ED physician supervising a learner. A 72 year old female presents to the ED with cough and shortness of breath worsening over a week. She has a history of Afib, previous MI, diabetes and dyslipidemia. She has recently been non-compliant with her meds and has been taking some ketorolac […]
NSAIDs Part 3: Gastrointestinal Side Effects and Toxicity
In part 1 of our discussion on NSAIDs, we discussed the equal efficacy of various NSAIDs, while in part 2, we looked at the concept of an analgesic ceiling effect when using NSAIDs. Congrats to all of those who identified the ceiling in part 2 as the Chihuly work at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. […]
NSAIDs part 2: The Ceiling Effect
Sorry readers. I’ve been slacking off on vacation in NYC, eating too much and blogging about food more than medicine. Tonight at dinner with Mr. EMCrit, Scott called me out a bit for insufficient content. Also, one of my readers has some rounds coming up soon, and needs to talk NSAIDs. With that in mind, […]