Hey all,
I recently started a Vlog for CAEP 2018 – Strengthening Connections, which will be held in Calgary, Alberta on May 26-29, 2018. CAEP (Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians) is the largest annual EM conference in Canada, and attracts over one thousand attendees.
In the first Vlog episode I had a chance to speak with the conference chair, Dr. Eddy Lang (@EddyLang1). You can watch the video below, or link to YouTube. Feedback is much appreciated. It is the first episode and I learned some things re: lighting, speaking and many other things, but hope to build on this over the next few episodes.
For those of you with shorter attention spans, CAEP in 60 seconds summarizes all of the above in less than a minute.
We have two plenary speakers confirmed so far, Dr. Brian Goldman (@nightshiftMD) from CBC’s “White Coat, Black Art”, and Dr. Jeff Kline (@klinelab), the supreme guru of VTE and pulmonary embolism. I’m going to have the opportunity to chat with Dr. Kline in the next week, so stay tuned for some great wisdom regarding overtesting in the Emergency Department.
Free Registration
There is free registration available for CAEP 2018 through a meme contest. The best meme sent to [email protected] before May 1st, 2018, will win free conference registration. Check out the caepconference.ca webpage for full conference details.
As the social media coordinator for CAEP 2018, please fire me any questions, comments or suggestions on Twitter (@CAEPConference or @socmobem) or Facebook.
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