Welcome to the Calgary Emergency Medicine Journal Club page!
The University of Calgary FRCPC and CCFP-EM residents hold a joint journal club each month. These provide an excellent forum for discussion of one or more journal articles. Unfortunately, not all of the residents can make it every month, so this page will provide an opportunity to view the discussion and conclusions of each month’s JC. In addition, it provides another FOAM resource for others across the globe.
Some months the article has already been critically appraised and podcast on by Ken Milne over at The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine (The SGEM), and a link to his critical appraisal is posted in place of a new review. The SGEM is approved by the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) as an online CME activity, and I highly recommend it.
Special thanks to other great EM Journal Club’s out there, including Indiana U EM, WashU St. Louis, Temple EM (which you can follow and participate in using Twitter) and more for the idea to do this.
March 2015
Should we give empiric antibiotics after cardiac arrest?
January 2015
Colchicine for Pericarditis and Review of Pediatric Myocarditis
December 2014
Should we use topical anesthetics (eg. tetracaine) for Corneal Abrasions?
October 2014
Usefulness of Alvarado and Pediatric scoring systems for appendicitis
Utility of a clinical decision rule for negative/inconclusive ultrasounds in appendicitis
September 2014
Novel therapies for Anterior Epistaxis – Floseal and Tranexamic Acid (TXA)
May 2014
Transfusion Strategies in Acute Upper GI Bleed – Link to SGEM Review same article
March 2014
International Stroke Trial 3 (IST-3) – Link to SGEM Review of same article
February 2014
Therapeutic Hypothermia – The Targeted Temperature Management Trial
January 2014
Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy for Stroke Prevention
November 2013