Today is a first for the SOCMOB blog, as we have our first guest blogger. Damon Tedford is one of my fellow EM residents, and is also in his final year of training. Combining his military background with the works of Cliff Reid and Scott Weingart, Damon had the fantastic idea of creating a checklistto familiarize oneself with the ED prior to their first shift. This will be released in two parts, a walk-about checklist today, followed by a list of key questions later in the week.
*For part 2, click here.
Identifying the key tasks we could be called upon to complete during our first shift, we have created a list of equipment for time sensitive resuscitation tasks as well as those that are more regular but routine. Finding the equipment before your first shift prevents loss of valuable time and also improves department flow. However, the document is more than a medical scavenger-hunt.
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