Adverse drug events (ADEs) are Canada’s 4th leading cause of death and account for up to 22000 deaths per year in Canada.(1) The number of non-fatal adverse events is much higher. We encounter ADEs almost every day when we’re on shift in the emergency department, although in many cases it goes unrecognized and we attribute […]
SGEM-HOP on OHCA – More ROSC, but no Survival Benefit
Hey all, An article was published in this month’s Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM) titled, Prehospital Advanced Cardiac Life Support for Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Cohort Study. Click the article title for free access on the AEM website. This article by Cournoyer et al. asks if patients who are candidates for E-CPR in the out of hospital […]
Bronchiolitis Review on the SGEMHOP
It’s that time of year again, bronchiolitis season. This week on the Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine, Hot off the Press (SGEMHOP), guest host Anthony Crocco and I reviewed this CJEM article on community hospital management of bronchiolitis. The article is free and open access on CJEM. Anthony (@sketchyEBM) and I had the opportunity to […]
Delayed Complications of Sternal Fractures – SGEMHOP
Sternal fractures are a rare sequela of blunt thoracic trauma (Recinos et al.) and most often occur due to motor vehicle collisions. They are also often associated with other chest injuries such as rib fractures and contusions. This week on the Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine – Hot off the Press, we had the chance to […]
SGEM-HOP: Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE)
Do you recall the days of paper charts for everything? Maybe you still work in that environment. In 2016, many of us work using computerized provider order entry (CPOE) for everything from lab tests to diagnostic imaging to medication orders. From my experience, providers tend to have a love/hate relationship with CPOE. But what evidence […]