Hey all, This past week I had the opportunity to chat with a true legend of EM, Dr. Jeff Kline. Dr. Kline is the man responsible for a tremendous amount of research on venous thromboembolic disease, in particular, pulmonary embolism. For most of us, we use his research (eg. the PERC rule) on a daily […]
Hey all, Over the past few months I’ve been working on two podcasts, SGEM-HOP and CAEPCAST. The first Canadian edition of the SGEM-HOP podcast (Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine-Hot off the Press) was recently released. Working with Ken Milne of The SGEM, Hot off the Press critically appraises an article from the Canadian Journal of Emergency […]
CAEP 2013
Hey all, Just got back from the annual CAEP (Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians – eg. ACEP in Canada) conference in Vancouver. It was an absolute blast, with the highlight being a meet up with some fellow Canadian FOAMites, including Ken Milne of The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine (@TheSGEM). Ken is a brilliant, hilarious […]