–> I love NSAIDs! Yup, love ‘em! NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are some of the best analgesics available, plus they’re generally over the counter. Despite their daily use for decades, NSAIDs remain sorely misunderstood. I know they’re not a panacea, and they have some serious side effects in certain populations. But for healthy patients without […]
Battle Preparation: Getting Ready for Your First Shift in the ER
Today is a first for the SOCMOB blog, as we have our first guest blogger. Damon Tedford is one of my fellow EM residents, and is also in his final year of training. Combining his military background with the works of Cliff Reid and Scott Weingart, Damon had the fantastic idea of creating a checklistto […]
New Surviving Sepsis Guidelines 2012: WTF?
Hey all, this is just a short snippet, not a full blog post. As the 2012 Surviving Sepsis Guidelines were just released, I’m just making a few comments and directing you to Scott Weingart’s great podcast on the guidelines. Everyone who takes care of emergent/critical care sepsis patients needs to take 18 minutes of their […]
Thiamine Before Glucose will not cause Wernicke’s Encephalopathy
If there’s one area of medicine that suffers from more dogma than any other, it’s toxicology. I’m not razzing tox, I love tox. But management in toxicology usually = throw kitchen sink at patient, followed by a case report that concludes the last intervention done just prior to the patient improving is a new treatment […]
SOCMOB How to: Make your own Cricothyrotomy Trainer
Who has done a cricothyrotomy? Who thinks they would be comfortable doing a cric if asked? Without having a code brown first? Though I have done a few tracheostomies (only three on live people), I’ve never done a cric on anyone. Furthermore, when it’s time to cric, we need to be ready. Unfortunately, we can’t […]