Hey SOCMOBBERS, Welcome to the new WordPress site. It took a while, but we’ve finally made it. Part 3 of the NSAID discussion will be out in the next few days (it keeps getting longer), as will some new videos on how to Macgyver some equipment in the ER. In the meantime, sign up for […]
NSAIDs part 2: The Ceiling Effect
Sorry readers. I’ve been slacking off on vacation in NYC, eating too much and blogging about food more than medicine. Tonight at dinner with Mr. EMCrit, Scott called me out a bit for insufficient content. Also, one of my readers has some rounds coming up soon, and needs to talk NSAIDs. With that in mind, […]
Battle Preparation 2: The Buddy Shift
This is the 2nd part in the Battle Preparation series by SOCMOB guest blogger Damon Tedford.In part 1, we looked at a checklist of items that new learners and staff should identify and examine prior to their first shift in a new ED. Today we will be looking at the critical questions to ask on […]
NSAIDs Part 1: Which one is best?
–> I love NSAIDs! Yup, love ‘em! NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are some of the best analgesics available, plus they’re generally over the counter. Despite their daily use for decades, NSAIDs remain sorely misunderstood. I know they’re not a panacea, and they have some serious side effects in certain populations. But for healthy patients without […]
Battle Preparation: Getting Ready for Your First Shift in the ER
Today is a first for the SOCMOB blog, as we have our first guest blogger. Damon Tedford is one of my fellow EM residents, and is also in his final year of training. Combining his military background with the works of Cliff Reid and Scott Weingart, Damon had the fantastic idea of creating a checklistto […]